Sunday, March 19, 2006

More of the same - Deeper and deeper we slide!

It seems the Bush administration has limitless potential to do global damage. Today marks the beginning of our fourth year at war. But a war for what and with whom? We did not find weapons of mass destruction. We have found no credible link that Iraq was supporting terrorism or had any involvement in the 911 bombings. Now Iraq apparently is slipping into sectarian civil war. News reports discuss that every day Iraqis feel they were better off under the dictatorship of Sadam. At least their was some predictability in that violence. Now it is random and comes at them from every angle. Their living conditions have declined, running water and electricity are still irregular.

We claim they had elections but in reality it was a sham. Not because they wanted them to be a sham but because the Bush administration was so set to have an "election" that they forgot a key element of democracy, that being, open discourse resulting in a consensus. So they went through the motions of having an election but with out feeling secure enough to actually talk to one another having a meaningful outcome is impossible.

The real issue is that the Bush administration has made huge, damaging mistakes with the permission of the American people. Acting out of anger from 911 we took it out on the most likely suspect, in a "preemptive" attack. Iraq was about as ready to attack the US as Bush is going to learn how to speak in public without sounding stupid. All while the entire region has become a power keg. Or better yet a leaking tank of jet fuel in a hot metal shed with faulty electrical circuits.

The Bush administration has done more to promote hatred of the US then any other president in history. At the same time he has proven his complete administrative incompetence with domestic preparedness. His single minded arrogance is just astounding. Can we as a nation ever take the high road again?
Can we act with any kind of moral authority? In the eyes of the world we are a bumbling incompetent stupid power at best. At worst we are anti Islam racist bastards who attacked a nation on false pretense, killed innocent civilians, locked up innocent people in concentration camps in Cuba, most with no real evidence or reason.

More importantly how many truly valued solders has he wasted in this endless effort? Bush's failure to have any understanding of the complex nature of world politics has placed our nation in jeopardy and resulted in thousands of US casualties.

If a CEO had done as poor of job or placed workers in harms way like this under such false pretenses they would be tried in court, convicted easily and sent to jail. In fact some of Bush's closest first term friends are being tried in Houston right now. Remember that Bush used the private planes of Enron to shuttle his legal team around the country to defeat Al Gore.

It is time for another election. Americans need to get off their buts and ask their candidates what they really believe in.

Here are just a few of the fun events the current administration has left us with:
World Trade Centers attacked
Pentagon attacked
Iraq Prison Scandals
Secret Wire Taps of who knows?
Pre-emptive doctrine of war (attacking anyone you think might someday attack you.
Katrina disaster relief blunder
Iraq war (keeps on going and going and going)
Record National debt
Depleted military defenses now incapable of mounting another major campaign if and when it might be needed.
Increased volatility of the Middle East.
Let me leave you with one more even frightening thought. It appears the bird flue is spreading more rapidly then expected and is now in Africa, Europe and soon possibly the US. If it does prove to be a pandemic, do you really think the Bush administration, with their stellar track record of national disaster response is going to be much help when and if we need the federal government to do the right thing? Why don't you ask the people Gulf States that question?
Or possibly we should just sit back and let the 40% of the US who still seems to think Bubba is Ok launch a millitary attack of China cause that is where it started.